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Photo of the original I AM strikers taken by Richard Copley.

I AM Campaign

The I AM campaign was an initiative established with the soul purpose to reconnect AFSCME with it's roots in civic action, progressive engagement, and equity while re-establishing AFSCME's connection to the legacy of MLK. 

The campaign began with a series national events with civic leaders culminating in a three day "Mountain Top Conference and Concert" to celebrate the legacy of MLK, and the 1968 sanitation strikers while honoring their sacrifice.

As creative director of the I AM campaign Kris was responsible for all creative, marketing, art direction and I AM's brand.

I AM Story Podcast  - Promo Video

I was asked to create a series of promo videos for the award winning I AM Story Podcast . The goal of the video was to raise awareness of then forthcoming series across social media and OTT. The videos were delivered to Netflix, Amazon Video, YouTube, Hulu, and Peacock.

The promo video was created with After Effects, Photoshop, stock and archival images.


Kris Stith - Creative Director, Art Director, Video Editor, and Copy Writer

Tiffany Ricci - Producer

Copy Editor - Raju Chebium

Lorenzo Soto - Associate Editor

I AM 2018 - Mountain Top Conference

The I AM campaign culminated in a 3 day conference in Memphis, Tennessee honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the original Memphis Sanitation Strikers of 1968. The event featured rallies, marches, workshops, speeches from senator Bernie Sanders, Van Jones, former labor secretary Tom Perez, MLK III, Bishop Blake of COGIC, AFSCME Pres. Lee Saunders, NAACP Pres. Johnson,  and performances from Common, Goapele, Sheila E. and more. The Mountain Top Conference was a collaborative effort between the NAACP, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, COGIC and other private donors. 


Kris Stith - Creative Director, Art Director, and Copy Writer

BridgeStreet - Event Production

Kenny Diggs - Producer

Copy Editor - Raju Chebium

Amy Hendrick - Video Coordinator

Lorenzo Soto - Video Editor

Javier Pierrend - Videographer 

Hey Suk Chong - Videographer

Natilia Perez - Media Relations

Omar Tewfik - Media Relations

Sunshine Sachs - Talent Acquisition

I was asked to create a series of promo videos for the award winning I AM Story Podcast . The goal of the video was to raise awareness of then forthcoming series across social media and OTT. The videos were delivered to Netflix, Amazon Video, YouTube, Hulu, and Peacock.

All graphics were created with Photoshop and a blend of archival and original photos. 


Kris Stith - Creative Director, Art Director, Graphic Designer, and Copy Writer

Marta Driscoll - Advertising, Copy Writer

Karime Barry - Advertising

Copy Editor - Raju Chebium

I AM Story Podcast  - Banner Ads

I AM   -  Affinity Group Videos

I was asked to create a series of videos that highlighted different affinity groups within the Black and Brown community. I utilized stock images, audio and kinetic type to push the visual narratives of change, difference and action. 

The videos were created with After Effects, and utilized stock and archival photos.


Kris Stith - Creative Director, Art Director, Video Editor, and Copy Writer

Kenny Diggs - Producer

Hey Suk Chong - Producer

Copy Editor - Raju Chebium

Javier Pierrend - Associate Editor

I AM 2018 - Powerhouse Ad

I was asked to create a promo video for iHeart's annual Powerhouse concert in Philadelphia. The goal of the video was to raise awareness of the upcoming midterm election  among I AM's target audience of Black men ages 18 - 24. So I elected to use images of young Black people to reflect that they are their best advocates to make their voices heard. 

The ad was created with After Effects and stock images.


Kris Stith - Creative Director, Art Director, Video Editor, and Copy Writer

Kenny Diggs - Producer

Copy Editor - Raju Chebium

Javier Pierrend - Associate Editor

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